Startle Studio

Design, UX

About This Project

From in-store music, to digital signage, to pub bingo games, Startle provides a huge variety of services to delight customers. To give their clients full control over the experience, the Startle Studio was created, allowing users to log in via an app and website, to control upcoming music, set playlist schedules, update in-store displays and more.

The designs were created to be big, bright and bold, to delight the user, whilst also placing a heavy emphasis on the user experience, to make controls intuitive. I created a number of base screens and provided a full user interface style guide, so Startle’s developers could get page layouts built with ease. UX reviews have taken place to ensure consistency throughout the development process, and make improvements as more functionality is added.

The Client

Startle are a company that specialise in providing music and interactive customer experiences within the retail and hospitality sectors.



Now Playing

Now Playing

Add Music Form

Add Music Form

App Store

App Store

Fully Responsive

Fully Responsive