

About This Project

Epsilon Telecommunications is one of 7D Digital’s largest and longest running clients, with their online portal, Infiny, being one of the first projects I worked on when I joined the company. Infiny’s user experience flows were designed by myself, but due to time constraints, the front end was built using a Bootstrap theme.

A few months into the project, I set about creating a new look for Infiny. Rather than being a complete redesign from a user experience point of view, I simply gave existing screens a bit of a paint job, as I had been responsible for the user flows from the outset. These new aspects have been trickling into Infiny's design over time, as well as Epsilon’s custom built admin portal, in order to keep a consistent appearance that updates over time.

The Client

Epsilon Telecommunications are a global networking company, providing services and networking infrastructure to companies in over 170 countries.


Infiny icon set



Cloud Service Providers

Cloud Service Providers

Amazon Web Service

Amazon Web Service

Port to Port Service

Port to Port Service

Company Profile

Company Profile